Hear what some of your colleagues have said regarding the course...
All I have to say is thank you. Thank you for the amazing course you organized. Thanks to Dr. Mattu for allowing us to learn a bit of his huge knowledge and for making it easy and so funny…and thank you for making possible for me to attend the course online, since I’m from Spain.
Amazing lecture as I work as family physician and also work in ER so was very informative Enhanced my knowledge
Amazing lectures! Well organized.
As always, Dr. Mattu was a very engaging speaker and taught core concepts exceptionally well and concisely!
Excellent + complete review and tips on how to identify common cardio / ECG findings AND things not to mis. I appreciated the repetition of information throughout the course, it helped a lot!
I didn’t think it was possible to be 100% engaged for 8 hours a day listening to lectures on ANY topic (let alone EKGs) but I found myself paying very close attention for the entire time. Best lecturer I’ve ever had the pleasure of learning from, period. THANK YOU for all the lives I know I will save for having taken this course.
Phenomenal lectures. Educational Gold.
Such a great lecturer! I found it so helpful how much he repeats concepts. Very helpful!
Thank you Dr Mattu, I would highly recommend this conference. Actually, the content should be mandatory for any emergency room physician.
Excellent course. I actually like the online format!
Wonderful course. Amal Mattu is a treasure!
Best online course I have ever taken. Hands down. Thank you so very much!
I really enjoy this course! Dr Mattu’s ability to teach a complex subject is unsurpassed in my experience. He is simply the best!
Truly onset of the highest yielding CME courses I’ve ever taken! I wish ECGs were taught like this to me in med school and residency. I took pearls away from every lecture and will apply what I’ve learned on my next shift. Thank you!!
Excellent course – Will highly recommend to all my co-residents!
Amazingly analytical in the easiest way possible
Another absolutely outstanding presentation from Dr Mattu, truly a world class medical teacher.
Superb quality.
Great teaching points. Fabulous teacher.
would highly recommend to anyone in emergency medicine.
A great and engaging lecturer – repetition really drives home the points!!
Amazing lectures which I will recommend to all my colleagues. Going in, I felt ok with my EKG knowledge, now I am mortified and terrified (in a good way, if that’s possible) to think about all the things I must have missed so far (being 1.5 years into independent practice).
The course is well organized and engaging. I was worried about the online format because I have a hard time staying focused but the whole lecture was so engaging, it was easy to follow along and stay engaged.
Clear, to the point and very well taught in a clinical approach
Excellent and very informative lectures in clear and concise format. Thank you!
Fantastic lectures; despite the quantity of information, so many examples and cases were presented so I felt I was able to really understand and solidify learning.
I always value any session run by Dr. Mattu. He is an intelligent and engaging teacher. The topics are entirely relevant to my practice
Outstanding! Really liked seeing multiple examples of the ECGs. Dr Mattu also broke things down simply so it actually made sense. I also really liked the comments about practical treatments
super excellent/ thorough/ fast paced/ entertaining and extremely informative.
thank you, Amal.
Thorough and well organized. Appreciate the bulleted information.
Very easy to follow along, appropriate and important learning topics.
Wonderful course. Enjoyed the presentation style with pen and iPad.
Fantastic course. Revolutionized my understanding. Q and A session was fantastic. Such an amazing opportunity to ask questions. Want more!!!! The days were slightly long in that it was hard to pay attention for the second day despite my best efforts. This was probably also due to the time change (I attended from Ireland so the conference went on until 10:30pm!)
Engaging and helpful, full of practical pearls Dr Mattu is an awesome educator!
 The learning and teaching was out of this world.
excellent course – Dr Mattu is a gifted physician educator and communicator. The content was excellent and relevant and delivered well.
Fantastic course, came highly recommended and will be happy to spread the word!
Thank you for using some case studies that come from Paramedics. It is a true testament to the respect you have those of us who work in the field.
2nd time I’ve done this course and always learn more. Such a useful and engaging format.
Very high yield and likely most dynamic medical webinar I’ve attended
Absolutely awesome teaching!
Dr. Mattu is an incredible educator and explained the content thoroughly and effectively.
As a long time listener / student of Dr. Mattu, I knew what to expect and was not disappointed. His engaging and relatable style are so effective. My only challenge was keeping up with his stamina!
Dr. Matu has an incredible ability to demystify emergency cardiology. This is definitely worth the time.
Excellent! My expectations were high and they were totally met and beyond!
Found the practice ECGs particularly helpful in solidifying my understanding of the concepts
Great lectures and course overall. Nice flow from basics to specifics to reinforce knowledge and learning.
So well organized, engaging, effective use of powerpoints to drive home learning points without being overwhelming. Great use of ECGs to demonstrate learning points!
The course was well organised i must admit, with no tech glitches esp in this pandemic time…i appreciate that
The lectures were wonderful. It’s so hard to get exceited about ECG but somehow Dr Mattu can do this.
This course was practice-changing and so clear, so helpful. Thank you so much!
Very high yield ECG learning and excellent teaching.
Wonderful! I wouldn’t say that the conference met my expectations, I would say it strongly exceeded my expectations.
 I enjoyed this immensely, and I know my paramedic colleagues were also blown away.
Amazing + complete ECG class! Would highly recommend to my colleagues!
absolutely fantastic. I’m honored to have been able to participate
I cannot articulate how good it was.
15/10 FANTASTIC!!!
I love Dr. Mattu. He breaks down ECGs and provides so much repetition it gets drilled into your brain!
Excellent course overall. Dr. Mattu is an excellent teacher.