DFCon 2023 Diabetic Foot Conference
The Annual Conference of the American Limb Preservation Society (ALPS)
2023 DFCon On-Demand
The Annual Conference of the American Limb Preservation Society (ALPS) and the Premier Interdisciplinary Diabetic Foot Conference in North America.
Did You Know?
- Nationally, every 20 seconds, someone has a lower extremity amputation (LEA), due to diabetes related complications, such as peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage), peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or both.
- Patients with neuropathy or PAD are vulnerable to developing ulcers on the feet, which if infected and do not heal, can lead to amputations.
- 70% of non-traumatic LEA’s occur in patients with diabetes. Preventable LEA’s, particularly in vulnerable and high-risk populations, is a pervasive issue affecting communities across the country, especially persons of color.
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Experience a diverse program of 50+ key topics combining the recent medical literature with the experience of our front-line clinicians
- Provisional Perspectives from the Peripatetic Professor - Diabetic Foot Forecast for 2023
- ALPS Fellowship - What I Did on my Summer in the ALPS
- Drugs for Bugs
- 2023 International Working Group Guidelines
- Standardizing a Toe and Flow Surgical Program for Limb Preservation Across Northern Italy
- Panel Discussions
- How the BEST CLI Trial Has Challenged the Status Quo
- BASIL-2 Breakdown - Balancing Belief in Bypass or Balloon
- FlowRowe’s Mechanics of Enrollment
- Highlights from the Diabetic Foot Consortium
- Driving High-Quality Care to the Highest Risk Patients
- Epidermal Electronics
- From COVID to Toe-VID
- Learning From the First Ever NIH SmartBoot Trial
- Next-Gen Exoskeletons Today
- International Offloading Guidance
- The Real Deal on Limb Preservation Teams - Madrid’s Prof. Martinez Takes the Field
- Medical vs Surgical Management of Osteomyelitis
- CIBL is to Infection as CLTI is to Ischemia
- Need to Know from the IWGDF
- Key Advances in Wound Healing Over the Generations
- A Crisis of Proceduralism/ The Paradox of Over and Under Treatment of PAD
- Topical Oxygen
- Free Tissue Transfer for Foot Salváge
- Science of Wound Healing
- Deep Vein Arterializations
- Post DVA Wound Management
- PAT to Measure Flow
- Toe & Flow in Action in the OR
- Biomechanics of the Amputee
- Pain Management
- Neuropathy Eye and Diabetes Screening
- And Many More!!
Self-Study Objectives
- Identify updated information to provide patient care in the discipline of limb preservation.
- Explain new techniques in collaborating and communicating with teams to ensure best practices in patient care, education and research in limb preservation
- Apply quality improvement in areas of limb preservation. Utilize updated information as outlined in program as related to limb preservation diagnosis and diseases
- Outline new techniques and studies along with innovative approaches related to patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, and system-based practices.
The American Limb Preservation Society would like to thank
Casa Colina Hospital and the Unihealth grant for Limb preservation for partial funding of this project.
David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery - Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, CA Founding President - American Limb Preservation Society Director, Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA)
Each year, the American Limb Preservations Society and their annual conference DFCon, bring together influential healthcare professionals from around the world to present on the latest research, emerging treatments and technologies, best practices in wound care, and strategies for preventing and managing diabetic foot complications and amputations.
Join, discover and learn from leaders in the world-wide diabetic foot space and bring back limb-saving education and resources that can immediately bring impact to your clinical practice.
David G. Armstrong
Co-Founder & Co-Chair
Keck School of Medicine of USC, Professor of Surgery and Director
Michael S. Conte
University of California San Francisco
Joseph L. Mills Sr.
Baylor College of Medicine
Course Directors
Brian D. Lepow
Course Director
HOPE Clinical Innovation Center (Houston, TX)
Miguel Montero-Baker
Course Director
HOPE Clinical Innovation Center (Houston, TX)
PhD, MSc
Bijan Najafi
Course Director
Baylor College of Medicine
Alexander M. Reyzelman
Course Director
University of California San Francisco
Laura Shin
Course Director
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Tze-Woei Tan
Course Director
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Stephanie Woelfl
Course Director
Keck School of Medicine of USC